Sunday, July 3, 2011

Turtle Bay

We got off early in the kayaks this morning, trying to beat the weekend boat traffic on the lake.  We paddled down to Turtle Bay, one of our favorite destinations.  Right down the bank from our cabin, you can loose yourself in a world where bullfrogs chirp and fish swim only a finger's length below the water.

I wove my way back in among the reeds and lilly pads, savoring the loveliness of the morning.  For a few moments I just sat there, soaking it all in.

Later the day was filled with the fun of big families enjoying a beautiful sunny day on the lake.  We applauded kids who got up on skis for the first time and listened to fish tales from a young fisherman who caught a one-pound bass.  We paused during his description to watch an eagle fly overhead.

This evening, it's quiet again on the lake. A breeze is coming through the screens and it's about time to pick up a good book. It's the contrast that makes it fun.  No day is without some adventure.

It seems like a good place to celebrate America's birthday, which we will do quietly tomorrow.  I'm not sure the loons are big on fireworks.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous. Omaha has been a nightmare. In fact, as I write this (at 10:15p on July 5th) there is someone lighting more big fireworks over our heads. I have to admit I am fed up. Maybe they should save their money and quietly wave a flag.
